IDE Electric, S.L. (IDE)

IDE Electric, S.L. (IDE) is a company working in the electrical sector which manufactures and distributes plastic and metal enclosures for low voltage electricity distribution and for the telecommunication sector. IDE also manufactures plugs and sockets for industrial applications.
Amongst the main targets of IDE it is remarkable the constant improvement in innovation and quality, and most of the efforts are being made in this direction.
The Company has a solid and very well structured organisation chart, having established as its main aim the unconditional support to its R&D, Quality and Marketing Departments, becoming these an essential key in the company structure.
This strategy, which has been followed up to now and also established for the future, has enabled the brand to become leader in the international electrical market.
The products manufactured by IDE are both for the electrical and the telecommunication sector. Nowadays the company markets a very wide range of plastic and metallic enclosures for electrical products, industrial plugs and sockets, and telecommunication protection, and is in the position to compete with any multinational in the sector with its range of products, designs and quality.
A great number of the series of products are certified by VDE, which is an International Certification Institute for electrical products in Europe.
Every procedure in production, administration and design is certified under ISO 9001, by means of which the quality of them is also guaranteed.