Industrial Lighting
Ex Lighting
Marine Lighting
Obstruction Lights
Lightning & Surge Protection
Marine Gyro Stabilizers
Multi-Cable & Pipe Sealing
Cable Glands
Ex Cable Glands
Weatherproof Fittings
Weatherproof Plugs & Receptacles
Ex Enclosures
Ex Junction Boxes
Ex Fittings
Ex Control Stations
Ex Plugs & Receptacle
Heat Shrink Termination/Splices
Wiring Devices

Roxtec S transit
Roxtec GH transit
Roxtec R transit
Roxtec HD 32 transit
Roxtec KFO transit
Roxtec CF 8/32 transit
Roxtec ComSeal™
Roxtec B transit
Roxtec CF 16 Ex transit
Roxtec CF 16 transit
Roxtec CF 24 transit
Roxtec CF 8/32 Ex transit
Roxtec CRL seal
Roxtec EzEntry™
Roxtec G Ex transit
Roxtec G transit
Roxtec GH BG™ FL 100 transit
Roxtec GH BG™ transit
Roxtec GH FL 100 transit
Roxtec GHM transit for cabinets
Roxtec GKO transit
Roxtec H3 seal
Roxtec H3 UG™ seal
Roxtec HD 32 Ex transit
Roxtec knock-out sleeve
Roxtec R transit with SL R
Roxtec R transit with SLA
Roxtec R transit with SLF R
Roxtec R transit with SLFO/RI
Roxtec R UG™ transit
Roxtec R X transit
Roxtec RG M63 seal
Roxtec SBTB transit
Roxtec S transit with SE PPS
Roxtec SF transit with SE PPS
Roxtec SFHM transit with SE PPS
Roxtec SF transit
Roxtec SF welded Ex transit
Roxtec SFHM transit
Roxtec SK transit
Roxtec SRC r20 transit
Roxtec SRC r40 transit
GK Multi-cable fire collar